• У нас можно купить бланки медицинских книжек
Корзина пуста
Корзина пуста


1 vmdebug virtuemartParseRoute $segments Var1:
    [0] => oblozhki

2 vmdebug ParseRoute no view found yet Var1:
    [0] => oblozhki

    [limitstart] => 30
    [limit] => 0


3 vmdebug my vars from router Var1:
    [limitstart] => 30
    [limit] => 0
    [virtuemart_category_id] => 142
    [view] => category

4 vmdebug vmTime: time to import plugins vmuserfield: 2.81333923339844E-5
5 vmdebug Start used Ram 4M
6 vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
7 vmdebug My Memory Limit in Bytes 268435456
8 vmdebug caetgory view setCanonicalLink Var1:
9 vmdebug getChildCategoryListObject Var1:
SELECT  c.category_parent_id, c.`ordering`, c.virtuemart_category_id, c.category_parent_id, c.virtuemart_vendor_id, c.category_template, c.category_layout, c.category_product_layout, c.products_per_row, c.limit_list_step, c.limit_list_initial, c.hits, c.cat_params, c.metarobot, c.metaauthor, c.shared, c.`published`, c.has_children, c.has_medias, l.category_name, l.category_description, l.metadesc, l.metakey, l.customtitle, l.slug  FROM #__virtuemart_categories as c  LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` as l ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = c.`virtuemart_category_id`  WHERE  (c.`category_parent_id` = 142 ) AND  c.`published` = 1  ORDER BY category_name ASC
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10 vmdebug getChildCategoryListObject count result SELECT c.category_parent_id, c.`ordering`, c.virtuemart_category_id, c.category_parent_id, c.virtuemart_vendor_id, c.category_template, c.category_layout, c.category_product_layout, c.products_per_row, c.limit_list_step, c.limit_list_initial, c.hits, c.cat_params, c.metarobot, c.metaauthor, c.shared, c.`published`, c.has_children, c.has_medias, l.category_name, l.category_description, l.metadesc, l.metakey, l.customtitle, l.slug FROM #__virtuemart_categories as c LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` as l ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = c.`virtuemart_category_id` WHERE (c.`category_parent_id` = 142 ) AND c.`published` = 1 ORDER BY category_name ASC Var1:
11 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.0175440311431885
12 vmdebug SSL enabled
13 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.012545108795166
14 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 0 $limit 9 q Var1:
SELECT  p.`virtuemart_product_id` 
		FROM `ijtng_virtuemart_products` as p   
 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` as ps ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `ps`.`virtuemart_product_id`  
 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id`  
 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_categories` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id`  
 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_product_prices` as pp ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pp.`virtuemart_product_id` 
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15 vmdebug vmTime: sortSearchQuery products: featured: 0.000611066818237305
16 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.000204086303710938
17 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 0 $limit 3 q Var1:
SELECT  p.`virtuemart_product_id` 
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 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id`  
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group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` 
ORDER BY p.`created_on` DESC, p.`virtuemart_product_id` DESC
18 vmdebug vmTime: sortSearchQuery products: latest: 0.00277996063232422
19 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.00023198127746582
20 vmdebug Found cached cat
21 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 30 $limit 30 q Var1:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  p.`virtuemart_product_id` 
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 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_categories` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` 
 WHERE ( `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` in ('142','143','144','145','146','153','154','158','159','160','163','171','172','173','174','175','176','203','142') AND  `c`.`published` = 1  AND  ( `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "1"  OR `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL  )  AND  p.`published`="1" ) 
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22 vmdebug vmTime: sortSearchQuery products: : 0.00410985946655273
23 vmdebug vmTime: Manufacturers by Cache: 0.00245785713195801
24 vmdebug isSuperVendor Not a vendor 0 0
25 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.012138843536377
26 vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
27 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 0.000184059143066406
28 vmdebug Found cached cat
29 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 30 $limit 30 q Var1:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  p.`virtuemart_product_id` 
		FROM `ijtng_virtuemart_products` as p   
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 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id`  
 LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_categories` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` 
 WHERE ( `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` in ('142','143','144','145','146','153','154','158','159','160','163','171','172','173','174','175','176','203','142') AND  `c`.`published` = 1  AND  ( `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "1"  OR `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL  )  AND  p.`published`="1" ) 
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 ORDER BY p.`created_on` DESC, p.`virtuemart_product_id` DESC
30 vmdebug vmTime: sortSearchQuery products: : 0.00382304191589355
31 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 30 $limit 30 q Var1:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  c.`virtuemart_category_id`, c.`ordering`, c.`published`, c.`category_parent_id`, c.`shared`, c.`has_children` , l.category_description, l.category_name  FROM `ijtng_virtuemart_categories` as c  LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` as l ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = c.`virtuemart_category_id` LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_category_categories` AS cx ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = cx.`category_child_id`
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GROUP BY virtuemart_category_id
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32 vmdebug getChildCategoryListObject Var1:
SELECT  c.category_parent_id, c.`ordering`, c.virtuemart_category_id, c.category_parent_id, c.virtuemart_vendor_id, c.category_template, c.category_layout, c.category_product_layout, c.products_per_row, c.limit_list_step, c.limit_list_initial, c.hits, c.cat_params, c.metarobot, c.metaauthor, c.shared, c.`published`, c.has_children, c.has_medias, l.category_name, l.category_description, l.metadesc, l.metakey, l.customtitle, l.slug  FROM #__virtuemart_categories as c  LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` as l ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = c.`virtuemart_category_id`  WHERE  (c.`category_parent_id` = 0 OR isNull(c.`category_parent_id`)) AND  c.`published` = 1  ORDER BY c.ordering, category_name ASC
    [0] => stdClass Object
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            [metakey] => 
            [customtitle] => 
            [slug] => katalog


33 vmdebug getChildCategoryListObject count result SELECT c.category_parent_id, c.`ordering`, c.virtuemart_category_id, c.category_parent_id, c.virtuemart_vendor_id, c.category_template, c.category_layout, c.category_product_layout, c.products_per_row, c.limit_list_step, c.limit_list_initial, c.hits, c.cat_params, c.metarobot, c.metaauthor, c.shared, c.`published`, c.has_children, c.has_medias, l.category_name, l.category_description, l.metadesc, l.metakey, l.customtitle, l.slug FROM #__virtuemart_categories as c LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` as l ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = c.`virtuemart_category_id` WHERE (c.`category_parent_id` = 0 OR isNull(c.`category_parent_id`)) AND c.`published` = 1 ORDER BY c.ordering, category_name ASC Var1:
34 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 0: 0.00121212005615234
35 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 46: 0.000116109848022461
36 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 84: 4.98294830322266E-5
37 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 1: 5.60283660888672E-5
38 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 73: 4.41074371337891E-5
39 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 11: 3.79085540771484E-5
40 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 20: 5.29289245605469E-5
41 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 29: 4.48226928710938E-5
42 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 106: 4.10079956054688E-5
43 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 36: 5.29289245605469E-5
44 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 39: 3.69548797607422E-5
45 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 89: 7.70092010498047E-5
46 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 71: 6.69956207275391E-5
47 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 117: 7.51018524169922E-5
48 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 165: 3.60012054443359E-5
49 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 142: 7.60555267333984E-5
50 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 187: 3.91006469726562E-5
51 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 77: 4.50611114501953E-5
52 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 191: 3.69548797607422E-5
53 vmdebug vmTime: getChildCategoryList getChildCategoryListObject cached 98: 7.29560852050781E-5
54 vmdebug vmTime: my categories module time: 0.00242400169372559
55 vmdebug End used Ram 8M
56 vmdebug Peak memory peak 8M
57 vmdebug vmTime: "VirtuemartControllerCategory" Finished task : 0.219048023223877
58 vmdebug exeSortSearchListQuery my $limitStart 0 $limit 0 q Var1:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  c.`virtuemart_category_id`, l.`category_description`, l.`category_name`, c.`ordering`, c.`published`, cx.`category_child_id`, cx.`category_parent_id`, c.`shared`   FROM `ijtng_virtuemart_categories_ru_ru` l
				  JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_categories` AS c using (`virtuemart_category_id`)
				  LEFT JOIN `ijtng_virtuemart_category_categories` AS cx
				  ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = cx.`category_child_id` 
 WHERE  c.`published` = 1  AND  cx.`category_parent_id` = 46 AND  (c.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1" OR c.`shared` = "1")  AND l.`virtuemart_category_id` != 142

 ORDER BY category_name ASC
59 vmdebug vmTime: Time consumed for shipment/payment plugins: 3.31401824951172E-5

Обложки 0

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Цена, o

Наличие, шт.
